Hedgehog proteins, 421
Heinz bodies, 302, 959
Helicases, 546, 552
H e lic o b a c te r p y lo r i,
a-helix, 51, 54
Helix bundle peptide, 722
Helix-loop-helix, 603
Helix-loop-helix (HLH) transcription
factor, 603
Helix-turn-helix, 603
Helix-turn-helix (HTH) transcription
factor, 603
Hematin, 684
proteins, 108
synthesis of, 245
Heme A, 255
Heme biosynthesis, 684
6 8 6
Heme catabolism, 689
Heme group, 646
catabolic, 690
Heme oxygenase, 690
Heme to bilirubin
conversion, 691
Hemicelluloses, 149
Hemichromes, 302
Hemin, 672, 684
Hemochromatosis, 128, 682, 827
Hemoglobin, 54, 101, 108, 600
abnormal, 164
allosteric modulator of, 231
binding of oxygen, 114
carbaminohemoglobin, 32
f t
-chains, 32, 47
derivatives, 671
functional aspects, 646
glycated, 155
heterotropic modulators: H+, C02,
BPG, 114
inherited disorders of, 657
Lepore, 662
mechanism of oxygenation, 650
normal, 657
oxygenation of,
profiles of oxygenation, 115
structure, 645
unstable, 667
Hemoglobin A, 155, 657
Hemoglobin A2, 657
Hemoglobin Bart’s hydrops fetails, 960
Hemoglobin carbamate
Hemoglobin disorders
laboratory evaluation of, 957
Hemoglobin E, 670
Hemoglobin H disease, 960
Hemoglobin rothschild, 646
Hemoglobin S,
6 6 8
Hemoglobin structure and synthesis
inherited disorders, 657
Hemoglobin, inherited disorders of, 657
Hemoglobinopathies, 194, 664
Hemolytic anemia, 302, 303
Hemolytic crises, 302
Hemolytic crisis, 303
Hemolytic uremic syndrome, 223
Hemopexin, 691
Hemophilia, 303, 539, 856, 871
Hemorrhagic colitis, 223
Hemorrhoids, 149
Hemosiderosis, 682
Hemostasis, 92, 839
Hemostatic system factors, 842
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, 5
Henderson-Hasselbalch expression, 9
Heparan sulfate, 183
stepwise degradation, 190
Heparin, 183, 184, 322,
8 6 8
assay, 870
function of, 184
low-molecular-weight, 184
mechanism of action, 859
structure of, 860
therapy, 184
unfractionated, 184
Heparin cofactor II, 845
Heparin sulfate (HS), 322
Heparin-antithrombin complex, 184
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, 184
high-affinity, 859
Hepatic bile, 200
Hepatic cytochrome P-450, 274
Hepatic encephalopathy, 144
Hepatic fibrosis (cirrhosis), 179
Hepatic glycogen
utilization, 500
Hepatic glycogen synthesis, 498
Hepatic glycogenolysis
regulation, 501
Hepatic lipase, 433
Hepatic vitamin K metabolism, 863
Hepatitis, 123
Hepatitis B, 35
Hepatitis B and C, 127
Hepatobiliary obstruction, 335
Hepatocellular carcinomas, 923
Hepatocellular necrosis, 128
markers for, 128
Hepatocytes (liver parenchymal cells), 127,
194, 199, 201,228, 300, 331
Hepatolenticular degeneration, 26
Hepatosplenomegaly, 298
Hereditary, 535
Hereditary angioedema, 832
Hereditary atransferrinemia, 682
Hereditary coproporphyria, 687,
6 8 8
Hereditary elliptocytosis, 164
Hereditary erythropoietic porphyria, 687
Hereditary folate malabsorption, 616
Hereditary fructose intolerance, 297
Hereditary hemochromatosis, 676,
Hereditary non-polyposis, 612
Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer
(HNPCC), 559
Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin
(HPFH), 657
Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis, 166
Hereditary spherocytosis, 164
Hereditary vitamin D-resistant rickets,
type II, 883
Heterochromatin, 555
Heterogeneous nuclear RNA
(hnRNA), 571
Heterogenous enzyme immunoassay, 128
Heteroplasmy, 266
Heterotropic allosteric enzymes, 111
Heterotropic effect
constant Vmax,
1 1 2
varying Vmax, 112
Hexa-histidine, 39
8 6
, 226, 296
isoenzymes of, 227
Hexokinase I, 227
Hexokinase II, 227
Hexokinase IV (glucokinase), 228
Hexokinases I—
III, 227
Hexose monophosphate (HMP) shunt,
271, 298
HFE, 676, 683
HFE protein, 676, 677
Hibernating animals, 224
High-affinity Ca2+-binding protein, 465
High glucose intake
disposition, 498
High mol wt kininogen, 844
High-affinity heparins, 859
High-intensity endurance exercise, 517
High-mannose, 312
High-molecular-weight kininogen
(HAWK), 857, 870
High-performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC), 41
High-temperature protection
regulon, 599
Hill coefficient, 117
Hill equation, 116
Hill plots
for myoglobin and hemoglobin, 117
Hindlll, 531
Histamine, 24, 205, 351, 508, 700, 714
types of receptor, 24
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